The fluff-free productivity blog you've always wanted to find

An ever-expanding collection of articles dedicated to productivity, plan with me sessions, personal development, goal setting, the practice of success and the science of achievement. Let the best version of you rise up. Make things happen.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


The Psychology of Productivity: Unravelling the Habits of High Achievers

Productivity is not just about doing more things—it’s about doing the right things effectively. Understanding why we work and what drives us to perform at our peak is at the heart of productivity psychology. It’s the scientific study of the mental processes and behaviours that underlie effective task completion and goal achievement. This discipline considers foundational factors such as motivation, cognitive biases, and emotional intelligence, and how these can be harnessed to boost efficiency and effectiveness.

Friday, April 5, 2024


Productivity Hacks for CEOs: Strategies for Maximising Executive Efficiency

Achieving high levels of productivity is a critical part of a CEO’s role, with the potential to directly affect a company’s growth and success. As the driving force behind strategic decisions, CEOs often juggle multiple responsibilities and challenges that can compromise efficient time management. Finding the right productivity hacks can make a significant difference in accomplishing daily tasks without becoming overwhelmed. Optimising your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of your day, and creating an environment that enhances focus can boost your efficiency.

Thursday, January 26, 2023


The Eisenhower Matrix: how to be productive for real and enhance efficiency

Planning is an essential element for achieving success in today’s fast-paced world and it often has a much overlooked impact on our real productivity levels. With so many tasks and responsibilities vying for our attention, sometimes it’s naturally challenging to stay on top of everything and make steady progress towards our goals amidst the chaos. Apparently, this is something anyone deals with, no matter their status or job title. In fact, it appears that even a former president of the United States of America was faced with such a challenge.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Six ways in which writing down your goals can help you achieve them

Writing down goals and objectives is an essential step in achieving success in any area of life. By putting your goals and objectives in writing, you can create a roadmap for achieving your desired outcomes, set yourself up for greater motivation and accountability, and increase your chances of actually achieving what you set out to do. Let’s take a look at a few of the benefits involved with stating your goals in written form.

Monday, July 25, 2022

#Digital Planning

Three positive collateral effects of digital planning

Today, I want to talk to you about something very empowering, something that may come as a complete surprise to you but it will be a great one indeed. When you start to get acquainted to digital planning, when you start to look around the corners of the web to then magically run into your perfect digital planner, you’re unconsciously giving way to a new positive habit. When you start to kindle the idea of having a digital planner as an organisational companion of yours, you are indirectly telling yourself that you CAN get more organised.

Monday, July 4, 2022

#Planjuli Brand

Why we created our own new digital planner shop despite the existing propositions on the market

The market for digital planners is a crowded one. There’s no shortage whatsoever of shops selling digital planners for iPad and, more specifically, for Goodnotes. If you would like to fact-check this statement, try and google “digital planner” and the results you’ll see will be enough proof. Last week I was talking to a Planjuli Customer over a video call, showing them around our new Academic Digital Planner for students and the customer said something along the lines of:

Sunday, April 24, 2022

#Goal Setting

Three Types of Vision Board: Pros and Cons of Each Type

A vision board, sometimes known as “moodboard”, is essentially a space where all of your ideas, from your smallest ambitions to your wildest dreams, are collected, stored and maintained. This space can either be: physical digital virtual The physical vision board A physical vision board requires an actual tangible board, that can be made of cork, wood or cardboard, on which you pin images, quotes and writings of your own that describe and represent your current life or work goals.

Friday, April 8, 2022

#Digital Planning

Digital Plan With Me - Effective Process to Set Up March 2022

Hello Achiever and welcome to this special Plan With Me article where you’ll be learning an effective and fluff-free way to set up March 2022 goals and expectations, with the help of a digital planner. Planning is such a pivotal activity and, believe it or not, it’s something you can tackle surprisingly easily. Let’s see how you can set yourself up for success this month by following the simplest and most effective digital planning method.

Monday, April 4, 2022

#Digital Planning

How to plan a successful schedule and actually stick to it

As a busy person, it is easy to fall into the trap of trying to do everything at once, but both science and experience agree in stating it’s very far from being the best approach when it comes to reaching goals. Both in business and in life. In fact, in order to get the best results, you should plan ahead and make planning a consistent habit of yours. One of the most important parts of getting things done is indeed planning.

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Your one-stop shop for digital planners, journals and PDF templates to help you organise, track and elevate any area of your life. On a mission to help you make things happen :)

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