Three positive collateral effects of digital planning

Published on Jul 25, 2022 by Giulia, Founder @Planjuli

#Digital Planning

Are you under the impression that your digital planner will only serve you the purpose of getting organised? Let's challenge this perspective! Discover now three major benefits you get to enjoy and cultivate in the process.

Today, I want to talk to you about something very empowering, something that may come as a complete surprise to you but it will be a great one indeed.

When you start to get acquainted to digital planning, when you start to look around the corners of the web to then magically run into your perfect digital planner, you’re unconsciously giving way to a new positive habit.

When you start to kindle the idea of having a digital planner as an organisational companion of yours, you are indirectly telling yourself that you CAN get more organised. That you CAN achieve more of your goals. That you CAN have more fun in the process.

And that, my dear, is a wonderful thing in itself. However, it doesn’t even stop there. It goes further the deeper you get into the digital planning attitude.

In fact, the more you use digital planning to clearly define your goals and organize how to achieve them, starting by simply mapping out your day to a defined, strategic schedule, the more you’ll start to reap the rewards. Not only direct, expected rewards. But also more indirect ones you wouldn’t even have considered at first.

You can think of them as positive collateral effects.

Here’s the three main ones you’ll enjoy for yourself.

You’ll grow more mindful of how you actually spend your day

Digital planning will teach you to be mindful of your everyday. You’ll quickly realise there’s a whole new way to go about your day, and identifying which chunks of time you are not using at your advantage will be easier than you ever thought it would be. It will come naturally for you to identify if something is consuming your time worthlessly, without giving you anything in return. And this will allow you to make positive changes and take more empowering choices instead of remaining stuck in habits you’ve outgrown. There’s no hard rule here: this heightened awareness simply comes as a natural positive effect of digital planning, even if you do not focus actively on achieving it. You shall simply use your digital planner and get into the habit of it and over time you’ll find you’ve grown more aware and more mindful by default.

You’ll quietly grow inner confidence regarding your goals and your ability to achieve them

Digital planning will gently encourage focus. You’ll set goals, you’ll re-arrange them into smaller ones, you’ll define daily tasks that lead you toward the achievement of the bigger goals. Without evening knowing, as you move along this process and you start to tick more and more boxes, you’ll automatically grow more confident in your abilities. You’ll quietly gain the inner knowledge that no task is ever out of reach if you take some time to plan it out and then act on your plan. Inner confidence isn’t something you can directly buy from a shop, but it’s not even something completely innate. Sometimes, you happen to be able to gain access to tools that help you achieve it in an indirect, yet extremely effective, way. Digital planners are one of those tools, and one of the more immediate ones at that.

You’ll find a trigger for deep focus, helping you entering the state of flow at will

If you’re familiar with the psychology of flow, you’ll know that deep focus and a sense of achievable challenge are the essential foundation for a lasting state of flow. In a state of flow, you’re your best self: you are calm and focused, you are aware of what’s going on around you but you’re not engaging with it, you are present yet somehow unperturbed, almost untouchable. And your performances are at peak, you’re super effective and you can easily achieve optimum results. It’s a magical state, really. Now, what usually happens is that people use triggers to help them ease into flow no matter the external circumstances deriving from the environment. When you regularly use your digital planner, you’ll start to feel that each time you open it up on your device and start planning, you’ll get into your own zone. You can then expand this and use the digital planner as a trigger to ease yourself into flow. The external chaos don’t have any right over you when you open up your planner and follow along your schedule. When you do so, you are positively challenged to complete the scheduled tasks and you find that you can easily maintain the focus at will. Your digital planner can be your trigger for flow anytime, anywhere, no matter what.

There’s so much to gain from the habit of digital planning and the bonus news is that every single benefit you get propels you toward the achievement of your goals. All the three effects mentioned above are very empowering and they count as skills and attitudes that can have a large impact on your ability to nurture the achiever that’s in you.

You owe it to yourself to be satisfied of who you are and I can’t wait for you to feel the effects trickling through.

As always, go and make things happen! ✨

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