Planjuli is the essence of timeless elegance in cutting-edge digital planning

Let's romanticise digital together, shall we? We create high-quality, elegant and classic digital planners for those who want the perks of digital united with the timeless vibes of paper.

We fell in love with the combination of modern attitude and timeless elegance and we experimented with it until we managed to produced tools that leverage technologies, are effective and provide an elegant structure to your day to day activities, enhancing your productivity and allowing you to focus on making things happen.

Why do we specialise in productivity tools and digital planners?

Because, prior to Planjuli, there was no really valuable offer for professional, elegant and immediate tools on the market. We quickly found this out once we started looking for digital tools that would help us strategise, plan, execute and track our mission and vision.

You might be thinking:

But the internet is full of digital planners

Yes, if you are keen on spending more time embellishing your tools, practice digital calligraphy and chasing seasonal-themed stickers all over the place, there might be offer of such a thing for you out there.

But if you prefer to use tools that are:

  • beautifully designed by default
  • immediate to use
  • created by productivity experts instead of crafting/diy supremos
  • available in soft, easy on the eye colour palettes
  • free from any sort of non-sense fluff that distracts you from achieving your goals

then, Planjuli is here for you and we’re happy to welcome you to the Achievers club.

What’s the trend around productivity and achievement in this time in history?

We live in a wonderful era where possibilities are virtually around every corner, for those who wants to see them. And yet, we’ve never been so hesitant in grasping such opportunities and turning them into a dream life came true. Why is that?

Science says that when you’re surrounded by countless choices to make, countless things to do and distractions of all sorts trying their best to pull you in different directions, you can easily let things that actually matter slip away from your attention.

A few examples?

  • When you busy yourself with secondary tasks that won’t help you reach your weekly goal
  • When you scroll through a social media feed instead of taking a moment to reflect and write down how you feel (what exactly is that you’re trying to numb with a passive Instagram scroll?)
  • When there are so many things to do to complete a task and you feel overwhelmed instead of calmly re-arrange the task into well defined and smaller bits
  • When KPIs at work seems as out of reach as a mountain top and you have no idea on where to start to tackle them
  • When you don’t take control of your finances because you have more urgent or more appealing things to deal with

What’s the solution?

We believe the solution is a combination of a mindset upgrade and the access to dedicated tools that enhance the experience of defining strategies, planning execution and tracking results.

And this is where Planjuli comes into play, this is what you can count on us helping you with.

High achievers don’t go around winning at life by chance: they sit down and plan their success.

If you’re ready to begin to start making things happen in your life, in your career and in your business, then you are in the perfect place. Come on in.

Perks for subscribers in our monthly newsletter? Oh yeah.

Receive the most productive (and less salesy) newsletter ever received in the history of newsletters. Sent on a monthly basis with valuable content only.

Gain access to resources dedicated to the Achievers and tons of suggestions regarding the topics of productivity, planning, goal setting, the science of achievement and personal development.

Get a free email consultation with a member of the Planjuli team: once you join the club, you can send an email addressing a planning issue you're having or simply asking for further information on how to enhance your productivity.


Your one-stop shop for digital planners, journals and PDF templates to help you organise, track and elevate any area of your life. On a mission to help you make things happen :)

Planjuli • Made in Milan, Italy • With ❤️ • Copyright © 2024 • All rights reserved

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